Our Mission

An important American Impressionist and California Impressionist artist, Colin Campbell Cooper lived both on the East and West coast. Early in his career he spent considerable time in Europe where he painted figure and architectural subjects of which many were lost to fire. He also traveled much of the world in search of subject matter and created wonderful paintings of Taj Mahal, Bombey and the Maharajah's Palace. However, it is Colin Campbell Cooper's paintings of street scenes and skyscrapers in New York and Philadelphia for which he is best known.

Our constant contact with collectors of Colin Campbell Cooper artwork provides you with an excellent source should you wish to sell your Colin Campbell Cooper painting. If you are interested in purchasing works of art by Colin Campbell Cooper, you may wish to add your name to our mailing list so we can notify you of new availabilities. We hope that this website will enrich your enjoyment and understanding of the art and paintings by this artist.

Gallery Services

WE BUY PAINTINGS - Our gallery experts buy and sell paintings and art by Colin Campbell Cooper and all inquiries are confidential.

WE CAN SELL YOUR ART - Our gallery experts have the experience, knowledge and contacts to assist you with buying or selling Colin Campbell Cooper paintings.

ART EVALUATIONS - Our gallery experts can provide you with a free Colin Campbell Cooper painting evaluation.

CONSERVATION and RESTORATION - Our painting conservation and restoration experts are world renowned.


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