Birger Sandzen Signatures

Birger Sandzen signed his name a few different ways. Each of the signatures below were signed as Birger Sandzen. If you believe you have a Birger Sandzen signature on your painting, and the painting is an original work of art, contact us for a free evaluation.

If you believe you have an Birger Sandzen signature on your early California painting, and the painting is an original work of art, contact us for a free expert evaluation.

The Birger Sandzen Signature

This is one of the Birger Sandzen signatures used on original works of art by Birger Sandzen.
This is another one of the Birger Sandzen signatures used on original works of art by Birger Sandzen.
This is the third Birger Sandzen signature used on original works of art by Birger Sandzen.