Sell Edgar Payne Paintings

Sell Edgar Payne Paintings

We make selling your Edgar Payne painting an easy and confidential process. Please give us a call or send us an email to discuss the artwork you are interested in selling.

Thank you for contacting the Edgar Payne Gallery of Art. If you are interested in selling your painting, please know that we pay top-dollar and have several collectors looking to purchase original paintings by Edgar Payne. In order to provide you with an evaluation, please REPLY to this email and include the following information:

  • Artist Name
  • Title of Artwork (if known)
  • Date Created (if known)
  • Dimensions (excluding frame)
  • Value
  • Your Full Name and Phone Number
  • Digital images of the painting; clear and close images of the signature and back of canvas are required (please limit the size of each image to no more than 1 megabyte)

Important Tips: Photos are best taken in natural, indirect lighting using NO flash. Larger images are good, but again, please limit the size of each image to 1 megabyte. Once we receive the image(s) we will get back to you promptly.

To ensure you receive the highest price for your painting, we suggest you be cautious about 'shopping' an image of the artwork to multiple galleries and dealers. The art community is small and we likely share some of the same buyers with the other galleries you may contact. Our experience has shown that when a prospective buyer is offered a painting from more than one source it can effectively become shopworn which reduces the desirability and value in the eyes of the buyer. With this in mind, any images you provide will not be shown to anyone unless you give us permission to do so.

Please send images at your earliest convenience but PLEASE NOTE that we receive dozens of inquiries each day and it often takes an hour or more to sort through and evaluate each inquiry. We will contact you when we are able.

Gallery Director
Edgar Payne Gallery of Art
16211 N Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
(831) 298-0082 - direct