Our Mission

Nicolai Ivanovich Fechin (1881-1955) was born in Kazan, Russia and his father taught him wood carving when he was a child. At the age of 13, he received a scholarship to the Kazan Art School and later studied art and painting in St. Petersburg and Paris. Nicolai Fechin was captivated by the Impressionist painting he was exposed to in Europe and he explored this style in addition to painting with a palette knife.

When he lived in Taos, New Mexico, Nicolai Fechin created many paintings and portraits of Indians, Mexicans and cowboys and these paintings are regarded as among his best work because of the exotic subject matter, high degree of modeling of the faces, and forceful, intense coloration. Besides being a master of painting, Nicolai Fechin was also an expert at drawing, sculpture, architecture, woodcarving and ceramics.

Our gallery experts are in constant contact with collectors of Nicolai Fechin artwork and therefore can provide you with an excellent source should you wish to sell your Nicolai Fechin painting. If you are interested in purchasing paintings by artist Nicolai Fechin, you may wish to add your name to our mailing list so we can notify you of new availabilities. We hope that this website will enrich your enjoyment and understanding of the art of Nicolai Fechin.

Gallery Services

WE BUY PAINTINGS - Our gallery experts buy and sell paintings and art by Nicolai Fechin and all inquiries are confidential.

WE CAN SELL YOUR ART - Our gallery experts have the experience, knowledge and contacts to assist you with buying or selling Nicolai Fechin paintings.

ART EVALUATIONS - Our gallery experts can provide you with a free painting evaluation.

CONSERVATION and RESTORATION - Our painting conservation and restoration experts are world renowned.


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